Loan Specials

Loan Type Amount Term APR* As Low As Disclaimer
Vacation Loan Special Up to $4,000 Up to 24 Months 4.95% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C." - Expires 9/30/2025
Balance Transfer Loan Special Up to $25,000 Up to 60 Months 7.00% Must be used to transfer credit cards or outstanding loans only and cannot be used to pay off existing GWFCU loans or credit cards – Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C."
New/Used Vehicle Loan Special 60 Months
72 Months
Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C."
New/Used Motorcycle Loan Special 72 Months 5.50% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C." Used MC cannot be older than 10 years.
New/Used Boats Loan Special 72 Months 6.00% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C." *Used boats cannot be older than 15 years.
Recreational Vehicle Loan Special 72 Months 6.50% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C."
Mastercard Balance Transfer 5.99% No Balance Transfer Fee. Must be used to transfer credit cards from other financial institutions and cannot be used to pay off existing GWFCU credit cards. Promotional rate is on transferred balance only – new charges will be at current MC rate.
Personal Loan Special Up to $10,000
Up to $20,000
48 Months
72 Months
[A+ & A – 6.75%]
[B – 6.85%]
[C – 6.95%]
Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C." Proceeds CANNOT be used to pay off/refinance existing GWFCU loans.
College Loan Special Up to $25,000 84 Months 6.50% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C." Proceeds must be paid directly to college or university OR direct to pay off existing student loans. There is no payment deferment.
Mini Mortgage Loan Up to $200,000 (Up to 90% LTV) Up to 7 Years
9 Years
12 Years
Same Requirements as First Mortgage Loans – No Application Fee – No Title Insurance (in most cases) – Single Family Dwelling Only – Must be only lien on the property - Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C."
Home Remodeling Loan $40,001 - $75,000 Up to 15 Years 5.95% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C" – Same requirements as Home Equity Loan.
Land Loan $100,000 Up to 15 Years 7.00% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C." Purchase or Refinance. Available for single residential lots up to 5 acres. Same requirements as First Mortgage Loans incl. app fee.
Same requirements as First Mortgage Loans incl. app fee.
Retirement Home Loan Up to $350,000 Up to 30 Years 5.95% Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C." Same requirements as First Mortgage Loans incl. app fee.
Home Improvement Specials Up to $10,000
Up to 60 Months
Up to 120 Months
121-180 Months
Flood Certification Required for $5,000+ ($16.50 Fee) Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C."

*Must be Credit Worthy. Only Available to "A+," "A," "B," and "C" credit scores. Rates and terms subject to change.